SAUSAGE RACE!!At every Brewer game between the sixth and seventh inning, there is the world famous sausage race. Sponsored by Klement, the race has become the main reason to go to a game. It stated out as simply one of those scoreboard races, but it has grown into so much more. Now they have live races on Sundays and other special occasions. (Originally there were only three sausages, but once they went 'live', they added the fan favorite Hot Dog.) There are 'beanie-baby' sausages (I have all four). And even limited edition cups. Once even Tony Womack (then on the Pirates) ran as a sausage when he was out with an injury (muHAHAHA). Just remember, in Wisconsin betting on 'sports' is illegal... For more information on the participants, click on a link below... (links go to milwaukeebrewers.com)