I spend way too much of my time (and money) on video games. So it was
natural that I would have a section on this site devoted to video games. I
mainly play console based games, and I only use my PC for FPS and RTS type games. Of all the
console makers, right now my favorites are Nintendo and Sega (in that
order). However, PlayStation2 could change all that... but let's hope not.
There is a lot of debate going on about which console will win, or at least
which consoles will be worth buying. Just go into any video game related
chat room or newsgroup and that's what you see half the time. Books have
been written on this subject. So everyone ask me, "Bone which are
ones are you buying?" Answer: I have no frickin` clue! I have a
DC, but will I keep it? DC has many good points, but its lack of
third-party support is a concern. Not to mention the other systems are
vastly superior in terms of hardware. However, the fact that DC should be
online well before any of the other systems, along with the fact it is the first
out, does give DC a decided edge. Sega also has a way of making these
really cool, quirky games that are a lot of fun to play. No other system
has a ChuChu Rocket or a Jet Set Radio. Are you a sports fan? Right
now Visual Concepts (makers of NFL2K and NBA2K) are the darlings of the video
game sports industry. Will they topple the giants known as Electronic
Arts? Only time will tell...
So what about the other systems coming? PlayStation2 (PS2) has the
major third-party support any great system needs, but that's all it has going
for it right now. If the others can get it too, there is no reason to get a
PS2. Still, the PS2 is the safest bet right now because it's sure to sell
like hotcakes this Christmas. Project Dolphin, well... I don't know much about it (even the name
isn't finalized). Yet, since I'm a big Nintendo fan, I WILL be getting
this one. Nintendo is still at the forefront in terms of innovation.
X-Box? Umm, yeah it is Microsoft, but if it can get the
games, it is a better alternative to the Sony system. In the end, it is
still too early to tell what will become of these systems.
SooOo, I say if you have a DC, GREAT! Keep it and enjoy it while all
the other systems are released (Note: they should be released in the same order
that they are listed as in the title above). (Don't worry, the DC will
keep you very busy, and very happy, with its selection of online games.)
Then look around, and make a choice. Since I'm sure you will want one of
these too. However, if you have yet to get a system (especially if you are
happy with your PSX/N64 for now), then you may what to wait until at least the
PS2 is released before committing to a system. And if you are one of those
who only own one video game console at a time, then definitely wait. But
waiting isn't very much fun:(