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Ralph Wiggum's Appearances
This list is presently being compiled. Please inform me of any omissions.
Since I am going through each episode (albeit on fast-forward), it will take some time to complete this guide for all episodes.
Please note that 'Not Seen' means that Ralph was not seen, while 'Not Yet Evaluated' means that I haven't gotten around to watching the episode with the computer in front of the TV.
To my knowledge, Homer vs. Lisa and the 8th Commandment (7F13) was the first appearance of Ralph.
'Wiggum' was present on the tournament board in 'Dead Putting Society', but Ralph was never seen.
Lisa's Pony (8F06) is the first episode that Ralph has a line in. However,
not only does he say something uncharacteristic for 'Ralph', but it is in a
voice much different from the one we all know and love.
- 7F13 Homer vs. Lisa and the 8th Commandment
- Ralph is seen watching 'Broadcast Nudes' at Bart's house. His first appearance: he looks shocked, but says nothing.
- 7F15 Principal Charming
- Not Seen
- 7F16 Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?
- Not Yet Evaluated
- 7F14 Bart's Dog Gets An F
- Not Yet Evaluated
- Deep, Deep Trouble (0:04 Music Video)
- 7F17 Old Money
- Not Seen
- 7F18 Brush with Greatness
- Not Seen
- 7F19 Lisa's Substitute
- Not Yet Evaluated
- 7F20 War of the Simpsons
- Not Yet Evaluated
- 7F21 Three Men and a Comic Book
- Not Yet Evaluated
- 7F22 Blood Feud
- Not Yet Evaluated
- 7F24 Stark Raving Dad
- Not Yet Evaluated
- 8F01 Mr. Lisa Goes To Washington
- Not Yet Evaluated
- 7F23 When Flanders Failed
- Not Yet Evaluated
- 8F03 Bart The Murderer
- Not Yet Evaluated
- 8F04 Homer Defined
- Not Yet Evaluated
- 8F05 Like Father, Like Clown
- 8F02 Treehouse Of Horror II
- Not Seen
- 8F06 Lisa's Pony
- Watching Lisa ride her pony
- "...But what man can tame her." -His first line, in response to a
comment about Lisa taming her pony
- 8F07 Saturday's Of Thunder
- Not Yet Evaluated
- 8F08 Flaming Moe
- Not Yet Evaluated
- 8F09 Burns Verkauft das Kraftwerk
- Not Yet Evaluated
- 8F10 I Married Marge
- Not Yet Evaluated
- 8F11 Radio Bart
- Not Yet Evaluated
- 8F12 Lisa the Greek
- Not Yet Evaluated
- 8F14 Homer Alone
- Not Yet Evaluated
- 8F16 Bart The Lover
- Not Yet Evaluated
- 8F13 Homer At The Bat
- Not Yet Evaluated
- 8F15 Separate Vocations
- Not Yet Evaluated
- 8F17 Dog Of Death
- Not Yet Evaluated
- 8F19 Colonel Homer (Lurleen on Me)
- Not Yet Evaluated
- 8F20 Black Widower (The Return of Sideshow Bob)
- Not Yet Evaluated
- 8F21 Otto Show
- Not Yet Evaluated
- 8F22 Bart's Friend Falls in Love
- Not Yet Evaluated
- 8F23 Brother, Can You Spare Two Dimes?
- Not Seen
- 8F24 Kamp Krusty
- Attends Camp Krusty (he sits behind Bart).
'He's still funny, but not ha-ha funny.' - in response to the Barney/Krusty
'A change of underwear!' - received in the mail
Runs past Kent Brockman painted in warpaint.
- 8F18 Oh! Streetcar! (A Streetcar Named Marge)
- Not Seen
- 9F01 Homer the Heretic
- Not Seen
- 9F02 Lisa the Beauty Queen
- 'Very Wrigley' - Ralph's description of Lisa's 'chewing gum walk' in the school cafeteria.
- 9F04 Treehouse of Horror III
- Not Seen
- 9F03 Itchy & Scratchy: The Movie
- Not Seen
- 9F05 Marge Gets a Job
- Not Seen
- 9F06 New Kid on the Block
- Not Seen
- 9F07 Mr. Plow
- Not Seen
- 9F08 Lisa's First Words
- Not Seen
- 9F09 Homer's Triple Bypass
- Not Seen
- 9F10 Marge vs. the Monorail
- 'Can it outrun the Flash?' - asked of Lyle Lanly
- 9F11 Selma's Choice
- Not Seen
- 9F12 Brother from the Same Planet
- Not Seen
- 9F13 I Love Lisa
This episode really deserve it's own analysis, but for now I'm listing pretty much just Ralph's lines
'My parents won't let me use scissors'
Ralph: 'Ms Hoover'
Ms. Hoover: 'Yes Ralph'
Ralph:'I don't have a red crayon'
Ms. Hoover: 'Why not?'
Ralph:'I ate it'
'Ms Hoover, I glued my head to my shoulder'
Ralph sobs when he gets no valentines, prompting Lisa to change one for Ralph
'You choo-choo-choose me?'
Ralph: 'Can I walk you home, valentine?'
Lisa: 'Sure, I guess'
Ralph:'That valentine sure was funny. It said, Choo-choo-choose-me and there's a picture of a train.... So, do you like stuff?... The doctor said I wouldn't have so many nosebleeds if I kept my finger out of there.'
'I guess so'
'Dad, how do you get a girl to like you?'
'OK dad, I'll be persistent. Is that how you got mom?'
'Yes sir, I'd do anything for Lisa'
'Mr. Simpson, the tar fumes are making me dizzy'
'Look in the tunk' -note from Ralph
'I am so glad you cho-cho-chose to come'
'Lisa, you want a bite of my ice cream...whoops'
'Ralph. Yes, I love Lisa Simpson, and when I grow up I'm going to marry her!'
'At least you guys are my friends'
'No dad, she made a fool out of me.'
'Leave me alone, I'm here to play George Washington'
As Washington:
'Dear madam, would you put a price on the air we breath or the providence that sustains us.'
'Dear Martha, I fear my time is at hand'
'I asked for no broth. Away with you, lest my cane find your backside!'
'Dear wife, if I could take but one treasure with me to the next life, it would be your tender kiss.'
As Ralph:
'Aw, thanks'
'Let's be friends. It says be and theres a picture of a bee on it. Ha ha'
- 9F14 Duffless
- Enters the science contest with the Alcohol-Fueled Car.
- 9F15 Last Exit to Springfield
- Not Seen
- 9F17 So It's Come to This: A Simpsons Clip Show
- Not Yet Evaluated
- 9F16 The Front
- 'Three times a day sir'
'Alright, I don't brush...I don't brush!'
'That's enough...that's enough!'
- 9F18 Whacking Day
- 'What's a battle?'
- 9F20 Marge in Chains
- Not Yet Evaluated
- 9F19 Krusty Gets Kancelled
- Not Seen
- 9F21 Homer's Barbershop Quartet
- Not Seen
- 9F22 Cape Feare (Sideshow Bob Returns)
- Not Seen
- 1F02 Homer Goes to College
- Not Seen
- 1F01 Rosebud
- Not Seen *
- 1F04 Treehouse of Horror IV
- ???
- 1F03 Marge on the Lam
- Not Seen
- 1F05 Bart's Inner Child
- Seen entering 'Homerland' and waiting for the tramapoline.
'Weee...Ow, I bit my tounge'
- 1F06 Boy-Scoutz N The Hood
- Not Seen
- 1F07 The Last Temptation of Homer
- Not Seen
- 1F08 $pringfield (Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying
and Love Legalized Gambling)
- 'I'm Idaho' -- Ralph's reply after getting special recognition for having no help on his costume (Lisa was Floreda)
- 1F09 Homer the Vigilante
- Not Seen
- 1F11 Bart Gets Famous
- Not Yet Evaluated
- 1F10 Homer and Apu
- Not Seen
- 1F12 Lisa vs. Malibu Stacy
- Not Yet Evaluated
- 1F13 Deep Space Homer
- Not Seen
- 1F14 Homer Loves Flanders
- Not Yet Evaluated
- 1F15 Bart Gets An Elephant
- Not Seen
- 1F16 Burns' Heir
- Present at the tryout for Burn's heir (Clancy told him the two E's are energy and enunciate)
- 1F18 Sweet Seymour Skinner's Baddasssss Song
- Ralph: 'Um, Ms Hoover, there's a dog in the vent'
Ms Hoover: 'Ralph, remember the time you said Snagglepuss was outside.'
Ralph: 'He was going to the bathroom.'
Seen laughing at Skinner when he gets the hiccups.
Also seen as Skinner get fired.
Note: Martin Prince is in the cage, not Ralph
- 1F19 The Boy Who Knew Too Much
- Not Seen
- 1F21 Lady Bouvier's Lover
- Not Seen
- 1F20 Secrets of a Successful Marriage
- Not Seen
- 1F22 Bart of Darkness
- Ralph is cheering Bart on to jump.
'Oh, my face is on fire!' - after Homer chlorinates the pool
'Somebody took my juice money' - after Nelson gives Lisa money he found on the bottom of the pool
- 1F17 Lisa's Rival
- 'Lisa, what's the answer to number 7?'
'My cat's name is Mittens'
Ralph volunteer to answer a question, only to put his hand down when Ms. Hoover stipulates that it better not be about his cat.
Dancing during the audition jam session, later standing over Lisa
'Hey Allison, what's the answer to number 9?'
'Leave me alone'
'What's a diarama'
'I beat the smart kids! I beat the smart kids!'
'I bent my wookie!'
'My cat's breath smells like cat food'
- 2F33 Another Simpson's Clip Show
- Appears in clips from 'I Love Lisa'
- 1F11 Bart Gets Famous
- Not seen
- 2F01 Itchy & Scratchy Land
- Not Seen
- 2F02 Sideshow Bob Roberts
- 'Yes, sir' - Ralph's response to Skinner's 'no grass eating' comment. Of course, it is said with a mouthful of grass.
- 2F03 Treehouse of Horror V
- In 'Nightmare Cafeteria': Ralph is in detention, also in the cafeteria for Octoberfest
One of the few students left in the class, along with Bart, Lisa, Milhouse, and Wendell. His ultimate destination is unknown.
- 2F04 Bart's Girlfriend
- Dressed as cowboy: 'I ate all my caps...Ooo!'
In the Planet of the Apes roundup scene, he is being chased by a black-haired woman with an orange dress (possibly his mom?)
Draws Jesus with wheels in Sunday School
'Wheeee!' - as Ralph goes down the slide.
'Do you have Go, Dog, Go?' - at the library
- 2F05 Lisa on Ice
- 'I won! I won!.....Me fail english? That's unpossible.'
- 2F33 Another Simpsons Clip Show
- 2F01 Itchy & Scratchy Land
- 2F02 Sideshow Bob Roberts
- 2F03 Treehouse of Horror V
- 2F04 Bart's Girlfriend
- 2F05 Lisa on Ice
- 2F06 Homer Bad Man
- Not Seen
- 2F07 Grampa vs. Sexual Inadequacy
- 'Will you cook my dinner for me? My parents aren't around and I'm not allowed to turn on the stove.'
Present at the treehouse meeting, and part of the 'Aaaah, reverse vampires!' cry.
- 2F08 Fear of Flying
- Not Seen
- 2F09 Homer the Great
- Seen running out of Lisa's class when the Chosen One arrives.
- 2F10 And Maggie Makes Three
- Not Seen
- 2F11 Bart's Comet
- Not Seen
- 2F12 Homie the Clown
- 'I'm a boy' - Ralph's response to Homer/Krusty's 'There's your giraffe, little girl.'
- 2F13 Bart vs. Australia
- Not Seen
- 2F14 Homer vs. Patty & Selma
- Enrolled in TS -tethered swimming - 'I don't feel right'
- 2F31 A Star is Burns
- Not Seen
- 2F15 Lisa's Wedding
- Unconfirmed Siting- it looks like Ralph may be sitting behind Skinner at the wedding (look carefully).
- 2F18 Two Dozen and One Greyhounds
- Not Seen
- 2F19 The PTA Disbands
- Seen in schoolbus, sitting in the exhaust leak (he is the only student NOT coughing)
Seen in the school cafeteria
'Miss Hoover, are you on ..'
- 2F32 'Round Springfield
- Doing some 'nice fluting' with the flute up his nose
- 2F21 The Springfield Connection
- Not Seen
- 2F22 Lemon of Troy
- Not Seen
- 2F16 Who Shot Mr. Burns? (Part One)
- 'Ms. Hoover, the floor is shaking...aaaaaaa!'
'chocolate microsopes?'
- 2F20 Who Shot Mr. Burns? (Part Two)
- Not Seen (actually, I need to go back and verify this)
- 2F17 Radioactive Man
- Ralph waiting on line, 'Oh no, run!'
Ralph's tryout for Fallout Boy:
Ralph: 'What's for lunch tomorrow?'
Director: 'Next'
Ralph: 'Chicken necks?'
Ralph watching them paint the horses: 'What do you do if you want something that looks like a horse?'
Response:'Usually we just tape a bunch of cats together."
Also seen in the crowd when Mickey Rooney gives his speech.
- 3F01 Home Sweet Home-Diddily-Dum-Doodily
- Not Seen
- 3F02 Bart Sells His Soul
- Seen in church with dad (Clancy) and mom (name unknown)
'Where fiery demons will punch me in the back...'
Seen on see-saw (teeter-totter) with his soul in Bart's dream
Sprays Moe with one of those 'super-soaker' type water guns; cries when Moe yells at him
Confronted by Bart: 'Hi Bart. I know you from school' 'Uh..I don't know'
Cries when Bart demands his soul
- 3F03 Lisa the Vegetarian
- Ralph :'Miss Hoover'
Miss. Hoover : 'Yes Ralph, what is it?'
Ralph: 'My worm went in my mouth and then I ate it. Can I have new one?'
Miss. Hoover: 'No Ralph, there aren't any more. Just try to sleep while the other children are learning'
Ralph: 'Oh, boy, sleep. That's where I'm a viking'
'When I grow up, I'm going to Bovine University'
'I can't believe I used to go out with you'
- 3F04 Treehouse of Horror VI
- Seen with a broken arm in the 'Nightmare on Evergreen Terrace' short.
- 3F05 King-Size Homer
- 3F06 Mother Simpson
- 3F07 Sideshow Bob's Last Gleaming
- 3F08 Marge Be Not Proud
- 3F09 Two Bad Neighbors
- 3F10 Team Homer
- 3F11 Scenes from the Class Struggle in Springfield
- 3F12 Bart the Fink
- 3F13 Lisa the Iconoclast
- 3F14 Homer the Smithers
- 3F15 A Fish Called Selma
- 3F16 The Day the Violence Died
- 3F17 Bart on the Road
- 3F18 22 Short Films About Springfield
- 3F19 [Raging Abe Simpson and His Grumbling Grandson in "The Curse of the
Flying Hellfish"]
- 3F20 [The Anti-Immigrant Song]
- 3F21 [Homerpalooza]
- 3F22 [Summer of Lisa]